1. Make sure your Plot 1 is ON. Select the Scatter Plots and the appropriate lists.
Go to: [2nd] "Stat Plot". [Enter].

2. Clear all functions in [Y=]
![Clear all functions in [Y=]](https://media.screensteps.com/image_assets/assets/001/997/763/original/1E2FC995-7045-48C4-AFBF-46B02027A228.png)
3. Input data in L1 and L2.
Go to [Stat] [Enter] to input data.

4. Graph data points.
Go to: [ZOOM] "9: ZoomSTat".

5. Choose a regression from the list in [Stat] "CALC".
Go to: [STAT] "CALC". Use the arrow keys to select the desired regression. [ENTER]. [2nd] L1, [2nd] L2, [VARS] "YVARS" [ENTER] [ENTER] . Then [ENTER] again.
![Choose a regression from the list in [Stat] "CALC".](https://media.screensteps.com/image_assets/assets/001/997/771/original/3B5B0006-B875-4987-B2C3-19B21158F16E.png)
6. Go to [ZOOM] "9: ZoomSTat" to view the data with the regression curve.
![Go to [ZOOM] "9: ZoomSTat" to view the data with the regression curve.](https://media.screensteps.com/image_assets/assets/001/997/761/original/42D79CAE-5619-4454-BB26-0FEA84540817.png)