CPM Student Tutorials

Parent: Managing your eBook License

Updated on

This tutorial describes how parents manage their recently purchased a CPM eBook license for their student.  

The following video shows the processes described below: ELS Parent Dashboard Tutorial

1. eBook Login
  1. Go to: https://my.cpm.org
  2. Login.
  3. Select: Try new eBook licensing system.
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2. Assign License to Your Student
  1. Click the Assign License button.
  2. Type in the student's email and name.
  3. Submit.


  • After submitting, send the Student the URL for logging into his online eBook at https://my.cpm.org.
  • His password is the same as his email.
  • The student should reset  the password once logged in.
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3. Three Additional Actions

Once the parent has assigned the license to the student, the eBook image no longer indicates "Unassigned".  It now indicates "Manage License". Click "Manage License".

You can then:

  1. Take away the license from the student.  This will revert the eBook image back to "Unassigned" allowing you to reassign the license.
  2. Edit the student's name.
  3. Reset your student's password in case your student forgets the password chosen.
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