This tutorial describes the overall structure and components of a CPM eBook Student Version. All eBook courses have the same general structure. Choose one of the formats for an overall video tour or select a topic for step by step instruction.
Video Tour
- Video (Vimeo): Student eBook Introduction
- Video (YouTube): Student eBook Introduction
Topic Instruction
1.1. When logging in the first time, agree to the terms.
- Scroll down.
- Find the green button, and click on "I Agree".
- Book covers will appear.
- Click on any book cover to enter the eBook.

1.2. On the top bar, locate the Tour and Help menus. Tutorials and trouble shooting ideas are located here.
Note: Access the eBooks using Chrome, Safari, or Firefox. Internet Explorer may or may not work depending on your version.

Each student eBook has three parts: Introduction, Chapters, & Reference.

2.1. Introduction
There are 5 sections in the Introduction. Click on any of the tabs to view.
- Overview: An outline of the course
- Contents: This is a Table of Contents viewed as a list or separately by chapter with the tabs at the top. The links navigate directly into the eBook.
- Credits: List of authors and contributors
- Note: This is a note to the student to encourage the student to actively engage in his/her own math learning and exploration.
- Student Hunt: This a a virtual scavenger hunt to explore the contents of the eBook.

2.2. Chapters
- Click a chapter tab to view the lessons within the chapter.
- Click the lesson tab to view the problems within the lesson. Encourage your teacher to assign homework by the problem numbers and not page numbers. The eBooks do not have page numbers.
- View the lesson in English or in Spanish.
- Click blue links for eTools, resource pages, or vocabulary pop-ups!

TIP: Hover over any of the lesson tabs to find problem numbers. This is not available for mobile devices.

2.3. Reference
The reference section typically has the Index and glossary, Checkpoints, and Student Support. In addition, various eBooks may contain additional topics.
- The checkpoint materials allow students to monitor their progress and offer review materials with a set of practice problems.
- Click the tabs above to navigate to all of the checkpoints.

- Students may search of the glossary for definitions of key words within the textbook or search the index to find where key concepts are introduced and used within the textbook.
- Vocabulary items within the textbook that are colored blue are pop-ups from the glossary section.

Student support has tabs across the top for a variety of support. Students will be able to access specific eTools, math notes, resource pages, and more. Below is an example from Core Connections, Course 3.

- Homework is always below the Review & Preview section.
- Each homework problem has a link to Homework Help.
- Occasionally, there are eTools to accompany a homework problem often for exploration.

Homework Help may provide:
- Hints
- Steps
- Answers
- Interactive eTools
However, it is rare that complete answers or steps are given for the problems. Homework help is intended to help the student attack each problem, but not necessarily complete the problems for them.
- Study with Math Notes and Learning logs. (These are often found at the end of most lessons before the homework section.)
- Check your understanding through Checkpoints. (These are often located in the last lesson in each chapter. A complete list of Checkpoints is located in the Reference section of the eBook.)
- Search for topics through the Index. (Topics in the Index link directly to specific pages within the eBook. The Index is located in the Reference section.)
- Use the Glossary or vocabulary pop-ups. (The Glossary is available through the popups directly within each lesson or can be found within the Reference section.)
- Explore with eTools (eTools are located within many of the lessons within the eBook. A complete list is in the Reference section.)
- Use Resource pages and Tool-kits. (Many of these are listed throughout the lessons. A complete list is in the Reference section.)
- Complete problems through the Parent Guide. (Parent Guides may be purchased or downloaded without cost from the Reference section.)