This article describes methods for students to submit work for problems found within their CPM eBook.
Video Introduction
- Vimeo: eWorkspace Student Demo
- YouTube: eWorkspace Student Demo
- Below the eWorkspace line at the bottom, right of each problem, click "New Entry".
- Select either canvas (whiteboard) , text, upload image, Calculator, or x-out to go back.
1.1. Canvas Drawing Tools
- Select the pointer to hide/show the problem.
- Hide the problem before selecting other tools to edit the drawing board.
More detailed information on how to use the canvas tools are at: eWorkspace: Canvas (Whiteboard) Support
- Enter plain text.
- Access the equation editor.
- Click Submit to send to the teacher.
- To view your answer that was sent, click the ARROW at the far right.
- To Edit or Delete.
- To add more to your answer, click New Entry. This will allow you to select between Text or Upload Image.
After clicking New Entry as shown in the image above, choose either Test or Upload Image.
- This time, choose Upload Image.
- Find the file on you computer. Select it to upload to eWorkspace.
- Once in eWorkspace, click Submit.
Additional information can be found at: eWorkspace: Upload an Image of Student Work

When students use the EDIT or DELETE feature, the original submitted answer is NOT erased, but rather archived.
- Click the content arrows to view the original entry.
- Click "Edit" or "Delete" for text or "Delete" for image.
- For text edit, type the revision. Then click, Submit, or click the cancel button if desired.
- To delete images or text, click the Delete as shown above. Then click the DELETE button below the image.

4.1. Teacher Feedback in ALERTS
1. Once logged into your eBook, alerts are located by the bell in the upper right corner. These represent feedback from your teacher that require a student response.
2. Select the bell to enter the eWorkspace action items page.

4.1.1. Features of the Action Items Page
- Back arrow: This takes you back to your last visited page in the eBook.
- Menus from the eBook
- Logout
- Difference between the "To Do" and "Completed". "To Do" are the number of items where the teacher is requiring student feedback. "Completed" are all of the items the student has provided additional feedback to the teacher response. If only the "TO DO" button is blue, only "TO DO" action items will be visible. If only the "Completed" button is blue, then only action items the student has already responded to will be visible. Finally, if both buttons are blue then all action items will be visible.
- The student can expand all visible action items with the "Expand All" button or expand individual items with the arrow. Once an item is expanded, you will have the option to "Collapse All".
- Adjust the action item per page view: At the bottom of the Action Items page are the rows per page and the number of items shown on each page. The student can select either 10, 25, or 50 rows per page. Use the right and left arrows to navigate backwards or forwards by page.
All of the options to reply such as canvas, text, or images are also available as explained in previous sections. Entries made on the Action Items page are also available in the eBook below corresponding problems.
4.1.2. Respond to Teacher
The following are the steps for responding to the Action Items Page. Students can also respond in the lesson below each problem.
- Expand as needed both the student original response and the teacher feedback.
- Select "Add Entry".
- Select from "Canvas", "Text", or "Image". Complete as described with the original entry. Once the student has responded to the teacher response, the item moves to the completed list. So the "To Do" button has one less.

4.2. Teacher Feedback in LESSON
This process is very similar to the one described above.
Teacher comments will always appear under the student work in the eBook lesson. Click the arrows to view the comments.
- Date the teacher reviewed the student work.
- Closed Teacher feedback (Click the arrow once to open, again to close)
- Use the "New Entry" button to respond to teacher feedback.