- Click on the link below.
- Move each vertex. How many different quadrilaterals can you form?
- Click the arrow on the folder and investigate the table and the moveable point.
- Resave the file and call it "Create Polygons".
- Add two more folders. Name the first: 3-Sides (Triangles). Name the second: 5-Sides (Pentagons)
- Below are the expressions and table to add to the 3-Sides (Triangles) folder.
- Add similar expressions and table to add to the folder for pentagons.
Additional Notes:
- A moveable point must start and end the table to connect the sides of the figure.
- Hold the circle until the menu shows. Select the icon to connect the points and to move them in all directions.
- The variables MUST be unique. Choose a system that makes sense to you. In this case the columns are named P3x and P3y representing the x-column for a polygon of 3 sides and the y-column for a polygon of 3 sides.
- The variable point was named: (x3,y3) for a variable point for the 3-sided figure.
- Check how the variables are named for the 4-sided polygon. Follow a similar pattern for the 5-sided polygon.
- Save your work in your Desmos Account.
- Save the link to your google spreadsheet for your partner to access or email the link to your partner.